Mobile Gaming News

Tarisland will launch on June 21st for mobile

We finally know. Level Infinite has announced that Tarisland will launch on June 21st for mobile and PC. With over 3 million pre-registrations, today’s release date announcement is accompanied by…

Tamamon World is now available on Japan

Tamamon World (タマモンワールド) is a MMO, developed by Apollo Technology, where you can form bonds with some little creatures called Tamamon. Well, the game is officially available today, in Japan.…

Black Beacon – A top tier gacha game announced?

Black Beacon is recently announced mobile game which looks incredible. The visuals are impressive, and the game promises a lot. However, I’m curious whether this gacha action roleplaying game can…

Bounty Pang is a new game from Octopo Studio

Octopo Studio has unveiled their latest creation, Bounty Pang, blending RPG and shooter elements seamlessly. Previously known for their collaboration with Supercell on Squad Busters, the studio showcased Bounty Pang…