Mecharashi is an upcoming Mecha game which looks really interesting. It has a lot of sci-fi and RPG elements and it reminds me a lot of the MechWarriors saga. This game is exclusive for SEA regions and of course China. So it is normal that we haven’t got many news about it, especially considering that is on the early access phase following a new round of closed beta testing.
At its core, the Mecharashi gameplay seems to combine war chess mechanics and a lot of mechas and robots. From the available gameplay videos, the visuals appear to be really nice, it has a top-down camera perspective that occasionally shifting to a closer view during special attacks or other significant moments. I don’t know much about the plot, it seems a little complex.
To access the game, you can visit the Google Play Store for Android or participate, remember that you have to be in one of the specified regions (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau). Although Mecharashi is currently in early access, the global launch date remains undisclosed. We’ll need to await further updates on the worldwide release, as no information is currently available on the official website.